Aeipathy Studio

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One year of Aeipathy Studio

Photo: Pia V Simms Photography (Food and Flowers Worksop)

Around this time last year, I had just quit my job as a designer/ art director with no plan, and no job lined up. I knew I needed a new challenge, but what would that be?

My uncertainty only lasted about one week before the idea to start a company, doing all of the things I love, came together. If you know me, then you know once I have an idea in my head, there’s no way to stop me from doing it. So I created my brand, registered the company, built a website and jumped. I am a meticulous planner, but some of my best decisions in life have come from that little fighting voice inside that says “let’s try it”. I did not go to floristry school, I did not have a network in Denmark, and I’ve never started a business but I knew I was capable and I knew I had the passion to drive it.

Before I knew it, that little voice was saying “we’re doing it”.

Aeipathy by definition is a consuming and enduring passion. Was this the easiest name to jump into the world with? No, but it felt right. I was taking my love of design, making, teaching and a serious obsession with planning pretty gatherings and mixing them together into a multi-faceted company. There was no other name for me.

I learned and am learning as I go. This year I connected with talented vendors and met so many inspiring people. I’ve played a part in over 30 weddings, taught at least 40 workshops, and worked with wonderful brands, organizations and publications in-between. My hope is that I’ve provided a little bit of floral magic to those life events, and prompted my students to invest time in making with their hands, get in touch with their creativity and enjoy the process.

Aeipathy Studio was started to share a little of what I felt I was missing from my life with others who might feel the same. I want to build a community of like-minded people, no matter your background, goals or place in life, and encourage creativity, making and storytelling, in whatever form that takes.

Thank you, to my couples, students, collaborators, friends and family, who supported this little dream and cheered me on.

It’s been a roller coaster of a year. I have so many ideas for how I want to continue growing Aeipathy Studio, and I can’t wait to see what 2020 brings.
